Air Training Corps – ATC, Girl Guides and Scouts



ATC Cadets – early 1960s Vic Pennell on the left, David Robinson, son of Ted Robinson, Senior Master at RGS, on the right

Chaz Mitchell has sent in the following photos of the ATC and this commentary.

The ATC annual inspection shows Jeff Hawes [ metal work teacher] leading and in the mail group Graham Bourne, David Robinson, Pete Stretton, Nick Cole, Jimmy Gatherum and myself. The other faces are familiar but not the names.
The pic showing Rye Town Hall must have been Nov. 11th 1961, the ATC being led by Tommy Thompson, Jeff Hawes and Vic Pennell. Have no idea who the mayor was at the time
The pic of the group with the glider was taken at RAF Hawkinge in 1960. At the end of the week’s course we were all certified glider pilots!
Top row, second from right David Robinson,  5th from right Graham Bourne
Bottom row, third from right, Chaz Mitchell
Anyone not familiar with ATC, it stands for Air Training Corps, a junior division of the Royal Air Force. With all the budget cuts it probably doesn’t exist today.

Above – a shooting team, perhaps an earlier Battle of Britain Trophy team. Photo courtesy of Nick Jury


2274 Squadron at Easter camp 1966 – Photo courtesy of Nick Jury

ATC – Thomas Peacocke School

Photos and text courtesy of Nick Jury

Battle of Britain Trophy medal winners if I recall we came third out of the whole country in the competition that year.

The squadron on annual camp at RAF Northolt in 1970.

The above photo is of (L to R) Nick Jury, Noel Thompson, Barry Jones and Bruce Cawdron outside the HQ of the National Rifle Association at Bisley where we had been shooting in competition with other ATC squadrons and Army and Sea Cadets from all over the country, probably 1969 or 70?

Girl Guides



Photo courtesy of Lois Benton

Hastings Music Festival – 2nd Rye (Rye Grammar School) Guides. Winners of Camp-Fire Singing Class – 86 marks – White Rock Theatre, Hastings 28 March 1968. Lois Benton has identified the following, but can anyone fill in the missing names?

Back row (L to R): Susan Cramp  Judy Roberts  Joanna Burke . Rosemary Kinnis  ?  Sally Kinnis Miss Rosemary Moss (teacher)  Miss Lois Benton Christine Jury  ?  ?1st name Humphries  Yvonne Strudwick

Front row (L to R): Sheila Roberts  Jane Burke  Linda Moss  ?  Victoria Simpson  ?   ?   ?   Susan Guy  ?

Photo courtesy of Lois Benton



RGS Scout Troop – 1960s